How to use poetry for installing and publishing to and from an Artifact Feed

Poetry is a great package manager for Python, however it is not always supported for the different devops tools out there. This little guide offers a simple solution for the cases when you want to both install a private python package from a Azure Devops Artifact Feed and also publish the result of your current build to an Arifact Feed by using the poetry buildcommand.

Poetry is not directly suppored by Azure Devops, as it only has tasks for pip & twine. However we can use poetry in our pipelines to build our python package by using a few tricks. See the example below.

  - main

  - stage: buildAndRelease
      - job: build
          vmImage: ubuntu-20.04
        displayName: build and publish python package
          - task: UsePythonVersion@0
            displayName: Use Python 3.8
              versionSpec: 3.8

          - script: |
              cd $PYTHON_PATH
              python -m pip install poetry
              poetry config repositories.<ARTIFACT_FEED_NAME><ORG_NAME>/<PROJECT_NAME>/_packaging/<ARTIFACT_FEED_NAME>/pypi/
              poetry config http-basic.<ARTIFACT_FEED_NAME> whatever $(System.AccessToken)
            displayName: Install & configure up Poetry
              PYTHON_PATH: .

          - script: |
              poetry lock
              poetry install
            displayName: Install packages

          - script: |
              poetry build
            displayName: Build package

          - script: |
              poetry add twine
            displayName: Install twine

          - task: TwineAuthenticate@1
              artifactFeed: <PROJECT_NAME>/<ARTIFACT_FEED_NAME>
            displayName: Twine auth task

          - script: |
              poetry run python -m twine upload -r <ARTIFACT_FEED_NAME> --config-file $(PYPIRC_PATH) dist/*
            displayName: Upload package to Artifact Feed with twine
              PYTHON_PATH: .

We simply use poetrys config command to give it an external PyPi referance, which for Azure Devops will be your Artifact Feed. For the http-basic config key we can simply use whatever we want for a username, as Azure Devops only cares about the password field when doing a token based authentication. The $(System.AccessToken) is an Environment Variable giving us access to an access token to verify with the feed.

              poetry config repositories.<ARTIFACT_FEED_NAME><ORG_NAME>/<PROJECT_NAME>/_packaging/<ARTIFACT_FEED_NAME>/pypi/
              poetry config http-basic.<ARTIFACT_FEED_NAME> whatever $(System.AccessToken)

For publishing the end result of poetry build twine is used. This is simply because of an 404 error caused when trying to use poetry publish -r <ARTIFACT_FEED_NAME>. The error encountered was


  HTTP Error 404: Not Found

  at /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.10/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/poetry/publishing/ in _upload
      212│                     self._register(session, url)
      213│                 except HTTPError as e:
      214│                     raise UploadError(e)
    → 216│             raise UploadError(e)
      218│     def _do_upload(
      219│         self, session, url, dry_run=False
      220│     ):  # type: (requests.Session, str, Optional[bool]) -> None
##[error]Bash exited with code '1'.

Therefore simply installing twine with poetry and making use of the TwineAuthenticate@1 devops task.